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The Post Tower Visit
Visiting the skyline landmark of Bonn: The Post Tower
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KidsCamp 2024
KidsCamp 2024 - Rückblick
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End Polio Now - at Bonn ...
End Polio Now: RC Bonn International at the Bonn UN Day 2024
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Model UN Conference
Model UN Conference by Rotary Global Grant Scholar Joana McCloy
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Rotary Scholar Joana ...
Introduction to Joana McCloy, Rotary Global Grant Scholar
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Visiting the UN Campus
Shaping a Sustainable Future: UN in Bonn
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Wine walking on the Ahr
‘Wine Walking’ - a promising motto for a Sunday in October?
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Embarking on RY 24/25
New board and ambitions
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Supporting KidsCamp - youth camp for local underprivileged children
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UN Day 21st October 2023 ...
Also in 2023 RCBI was again present at the UN Day in Bonn, which has been hosted there since 1996.
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RCBI supports Malawi ...
RCBI continues its support to orphans and vulnerable children in Malawi

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"Kegeln" for a fun good ...
Goodwill, better friendship and a successful fundraiser. RCBI and Rotaract Bonn go “Kegeln”
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Fundraising for a good ...
Fundraising for a good cause - A review of this year's RCAI benefit concert
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New Year's Dinner 2024
Dancing into the new year for a good cause
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RCBI visits RCAI & Donations
RCBI as guest of RCAI: Donation of 3000 euros for a housing container
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GlobalGrant launched(Ethiopia)
Environmental Sustainability, Water and Agroforestry with Permaculture for Gircha in Ethiopia
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Gustav Stresemann Institut
We have a new meeting venue - come join us at the Gustav Stresemann Institut (GSI)
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20,000 Euro donated to Dernau
Electricity for the Dernau volunteer fire brigade: RHH donates 20,000 euros
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RCBI's Bars to Books ...
To meet the educational needs of the prison school, Jayne championed RCBI to support the Inmates.
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Stolpersteine Cleaning ...
Rotarians from RCBI gathered in Bonn center to clean the Stumbling Stones
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RCBI at Bonn Picobello
RCBI and Rotaract Club Bonn collected over 25 bags of garbage during Bonn Picobello.
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RCBI back at KidsCamp
KidsCamps are organized by Rotaract Clubs, supported by Rotary Clubs & coordinated by Urlaubskinder.
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Orphan Care Center in Malawi
RCBI supports St. Mary's Care Center with the income from donations to the Club’s cookbook
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RCBI Celebrates 5 Years
RC Bonn International celebrated 5th Charter Anniversary with its Sponsor Club, RC Bonn-Rheinbach.
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Was ist Rotary
Rotary vereint Persönlichkeiten aus allen Kontinenten, um Dienst an der Gemeinschaft zu leisten.
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Über Uns

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Bonn International – where the world comes together in the heart of Bonn!

We are the only Rotary Club in the city dedicated to the international community, offering a welcoming home for globally minded individuals and expatriates. If you’re a foreign Rotarian visiting Bonn, our doors are open to you! With a vibrant mix of diverse experiences and cultures, we bring people together in a spirit of camaraderie and shared purpose, connecting you locally while opening doors to the prestigious global Rotarian network.


Our club is a thriving community of 48 members, including business leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, climate leaders, artists, musicians, doctors, lawyers, policy makers, researchers, journalists and more. We proudly represent 16 different nationalities, from Germany, Kenya, India, and Barbados to Egypt, Uganda, Iraq, and beyond. This rich cultural diversity is at the heart of who we are, making our club an exciting and dynamic place to belong.


With an average age of 52, we’re one of the younger, more energetic Rotary Clubs in District 1810. But what truly sets us apart is our passion for making a difference. Whether it’s fighting climate change, working towards a polio-free world, or promoting peace, our members are committed to tackling the most pressing challenges of today—both locally and globally.


As an open, non-political, and non-sectarian organization, we welcome all people with international experience, no matter their race, religion, gender, or political views. Our meetings, held in English, are inclusive, engaging, and packed with opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals.


Join us every Monday at 7:00 PM at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn for a 7:30 PM start. Rotarians from near and far, along with guests recommended by Rotarians, are warmly invited to attend. And it doesn’t stop there! We also host frequent social events and outings, taking full advantage of all that Bonn and the surrounding areas have to offer.


The Rotary Club of Bonn International is a place where exciting ideas meet meaningful action. Our meeting topics span health, youth exchange, environmental initiatives, conflict resolution, culture, and much more—always with a global perspective.


We can’t wait to welcome you and share in the energy and enthusiasm that defines our club! Together, we’re making a lasting impact on communities around the world.

Lesen Sie hier weiter?

Neues aus dem Club

Visiting the skyline landmark of Bonn

The Post Tower Visit

Visiting the skyline landmark of Bonn: The Post Tower
Visiting the skyline landmark of Bonn: The Post Tower
It does not matter from which direction you approach Bonn, you will always notice a distinct landmark skyscraper. This is the Post Tower, the headquarters DHL Group. And on January 20th, RCBI members paid it a visit, along with friends from RAC Bonn and RC Bonn-Rheinbach. More than 20 Rotarians gathered and listened to the experienced guidance of Mrs. Martina Lewejohann of DHL Group, whose dry and witty humor nicely embedded the factual knowledge conveyed. Whether it’s the hidden “diamond” staircase, the illustrious history of very fast elevators, the long history of DHL Group (whose origins predate Columbus’ voyage to America ...

RC Bonn International at the Bonn UN Day 2024

End Polio Now - at Bonn UN Day

Recap of the BN UN Day 2024

Shaping a Sustainable Future: UN in Bonn

Visiting the UN Campus

What is the UN doing in Bonn? This question was at the centre of a recent visit to the UN Campus.

Wine walking on the Ahr

Wine walking on the Ahr

‘Wine Walking’ - a promising motto for a Sunday in October?

Past DG Christian with Past Presidents RCBI
Embarking on Rotary Year 2024 - 2025

Embarking on RY 24/25

Mike Asiago Nyandieka Takes Charge as President of Rotary Club Bonn International with Ambitious Plans

A successful fun fundraiser

"Kegeln" for a fun good cause

Goodwill, better friendship, toppled pins and a successful fundraiser


Datum / Uhrzeit
Club / Ort
Thema / Beschreibung
10:00 - 13:00
Bonn International
Waldau, Bonn
RCBI Tree Planting
Beschreibung anzeigen


19:30 - 20:30
Bonn International
VIRTUAL MEETING - instead of Gustav-Stresemann-Institut
Rotary Satellite Club Bonn International - Peace & Environment
Beschreibung anzeigen

Online meeting:  http://rc-pe.org/meeting

@19.30 hrs 
German language
19:30 - 20:30
Bonn International
Environmental Sustainability, Water and Agroforestry with Permaculture for Gircha in Ethiopia.
Beschreibung anzeigen

GG209376: Environmental Sustainability, Water and Agroforestry with Permaculture for Gircha in Ethiopia.

The aim of this project in line with the Rotary Area of ​​Focus on "Environment" is education on rain water harvesting, using agroforestry with permaculture, including soil improvement.

A partnership between Rotary District 9212, RC Bonn International and Arba Minch University.

19:30 - 20:30
Bonn International
VIRTUAL MEETING - instead of Gustav-Stresemann-Institut
Rotary Satellite Club Bonn International - Peace & Environment
Beschreibung anzeigen

Online meeting:  http://rc-pe.org/meeting

@19.30 hrs 
German language
19:30 - 20:30
Bonn International
Rotary Annual Benefits Cocktail
Projekte des Clubs
I gave the opening speech at the opening ceremony
Model UN Conference
I gave the opening speech at the opening ceremony
Model UN Conference
Rotary Scholar Joana McCloy

Rotary Scholar Joana McCloy
UN Day 21st October 2023

UN Day 21st October 2023
RCBI supports Malawi project

RCBI supports Malawi project
Homework Assistance Support

Homework Assistance Support
GlobalGrant launched(Ethiopia)

GlobalGrant launched(Ethiopia)
EcoVillage Project

EcoVillage Project
Orphan Care Center in Malawi

Orphan Care Center in Malawi
Orphan care center in Malawi

Orphan care center in Malawi
Cleaning Rhine River boardwalk

Cleaning Rhine River boardwalk

Mehr Projekte
Mehr Projekte

Neues aus dem Distrikt

Koblenz: Ein Vierteljahrhundert Grünkohl-Dinner

Für die Wohnungslosenhilfe produzieren die vier Koblenzer Clubs alljährlich 200 Portionen Grünkohl

Koblenz: Ein Vierteljahrhundert Grünkohl-Dinner

Für die Wohnungslosenhilfe produzieren die vier Koblenzer Clubs alljährlich 200 Portionen Grünkohl

Rheinbach: 500 Eichen für die "grüne Lunge"

Gemeinsam mit Schülern und Rotaractern leistete der RC Bonn-Rheinbach einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz.

Rheinbach: 500 Eichen für die "grüne Lunge"

Gemeinsam mit Schülern und Rotaractern leistete der RC Bonn-Rheinbach einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz.

Distrikt: "Das beste Jahr meines Lebens"

Durch die rein ehrenamtliche Struktur mit Jugenddienstbeauftragten in jedem Club sind Austausche nicht nur finanziell gut tragbar, sondern dank individueller und engagierter Betreuung ...

Distrikt: "Das beste Jahr meines Lebens"

Durch die rein ehrenamtliche Struktur mit Jugenddienstbeauftragten in jedem Club sind Austausche nicht nur finanziell gut tragbar, sondern dank individueller und engagierter Betreuung ...

D1810: In Kürze

Neues aus dem Distrikt: 4250 Euro für die Kinderkrebshilfe

Bad Berleburg: Ostern vorbereiten

Ein Kunstwerk am Waldskulpturenpark im Wittgensteiner Land ist Vorbild für eine glänzende Idee des RC Berleburg-Laasphe zur Osterzeit.

Aktuell: Rotarisches Sicherheitsforum in Köln

Die Europäer müssen nach der Amtseinführung von US-Präsident Donald Trump enger zusammenrücken, so die Meinung von Experten.